It has been a journey..
I first created this website some time last year as a portfolio, to showcase all my photos and content that I had created so far. It wasn't about business, nor about reaching out to clients. I was just looking for a platform other than Instagram to show what I could do in my photography.
But slowly as the months past, I started gaining a few viewers to my portfolio website and I even had people reaching out to me looking for a photographer for their passion projects, their events, their family portraits and this portfolio website really came in handy. I started to smoothen out the edges, to make it look a bit more professional and now.. to become what it is. I'm truly grateful for all the comments, suggestions and everyone who supported me through this journey. I can finally share this website of mine to the masses! And hopefully gain more people who could reach out to me to capture their moments as I focus on that very thing, capturing moments.
I will specifically post on this blog my passion projects, my random thoughts and the photographs I capture, to just.. share. And I hope you enjoy this journey with me.
To the next one.